Conversion of Organic Solid Wastes and Cellulosic Feedstocks to Electricity via Microbial Fuel Cells
Development a Prototype Microbial Fuel Cell and Treatment System for Electricity Production from Municipal Solid Waste
Funding: Michigan Technological University-Research Excellence Fund
Development of a novel microbial fuel cell for production of renewable energy from insoluble agricultural wastes
Funding: Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, University of
Maryland General Research Board
Elements of tubular air cathode microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and solid substrate leach bed bioreactors were integrated to develop a new MFC in which cellulose hydrolysis, fermentation reactions, and anode respiration were achieved in the anode compartment. Electricity production from a minimally processed lignocellulosic crop residue (corncobs) was sustained for >60 d (Gregoire and Becker, 2012).
• Kyla Gregoire (M.S., 2010)
• Simeng Li (current M.S. student, Environmental Engineering)

Related manuscripts:
• Gregoire, K. P., and J. G. Becker. 2012. Design and characterization of a microbial fuel cell for the conversion of a lignocellulosic crop residue to electricity. Bioresource Technology. 119:208-215. L