Bioremediation of Contaminated Groundwater Environments
Project Title: Integrated modeling and experimental evaluation of hydrodynamic and microbial controls on DNAPL dissolution and detoxification (Eric Seagren, Co-PI)
Funding: National Science Foundation
Microbial dehalorespiration of aqueous-phase chlorinated ethenes and hydrodynamic conditions can both impact the dissolution of non-aqueous phase liquid chlorinated ethene contamination, and the impacts are dependent on the dominant dehalorespiring population. These phenomena are being studied using a 2-dimensional finite volume mathematical model as well as experimental systems of different scales, including a:

Experimental Systems: Microfluidic Groundwater Model

Intermediate-Scale Groundwater Model

Sara Klemm (current M.S. student, Environmental Engineering)

Lindsey M. Watch (current Ph.D. student, Environmental Engineering) |
Eric Wesseldyke (M.S., Civil Engineering, 2013) |
Related manuscripts:
- Becker, J. G., and E. A. Seagren. 2009. Modeling the effects of microbial competition and hydrodynamics on the dissolution and detoxification of dense non-
aqueous phase liquid contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology. 43(3):870-877. Link
- Application of a 2-Dimensional Finite Volume Model to Assess Hydrodynamic and Microbial Controls on DNAPL Dissolution and Detoxification: Dehalorespirers in Co-Culture. In preparation.
- Application of 1- and 2-Dimensional Models to Assess Hydrodynamic and Microbial Controls on DNAPL Dissolution and Detoxification: Methanogens and Dehalorespirers in Co-Culture. In preparation.