Poster Program

Posters will be set up in the lobby-foyer of the Dow Environmental Science & Engineering Building for display during the opening reception on Tuesday evening. Poster presenters are encouraged to be present at their posters at that time and, as convenient, during coffee breaks for the balance of the conference.

Albrecht, D.R., E.T. Brown, J.B. Swenson, N. Wattrus and G. Parker, "The fate of Nemadji River sediment in western Lake Superior."

Auer, M.T. and T.C. Johnson, "University research vessels on Lake Superior."

Breckenridge, A. and T.C. Johnson, "Lake Superior varves."

Chai, Y. and N. Urban, "Determination of particle residence times in Lake Superior using radioactive tracers."

Edsall, T. and C. Edsall, "Burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia) as indicators of ecosystem health."

Gatzke, T.M., J.W. Budd and M.T. Auer, "Cross margin transport and the timing of the SRE and thermal bar formation in Lake Superior."

Maskey, A.E. and M. Strand, "Linking sediment microbial activity with the abundance and community composition of coastal and profundal macroinvertebrates in Lake Superior."

Norton, K.P., "Late quaternary glacial history of the lower St. Louis River and estuary."

Osterberg, D.J. and J.W. Budd, "Spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton in Lake Superior's Keweenaw Peninsula region."

Ralph, E.A., H.J. Niebauer, J.C. Churchill and K. Aagaard, "Physical processes governing transport within Superior's Keweenaw current."

Rock, O., "Eco Preservation in Africa."

Scharold, J.V. and S.L. Lozano, "Status of the amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Superior, 1994-2000."

Trubetskova, I.L., W.C. Kerfoot and J. Jeong, "Daphnia bioassay: Testing the Keweenaw Peninsula waters for acute toxic effects."

Vodacek, A., "Spectral irradiance and backscattering measurements."

Warrington, D.S., J.W. Budd, R.P. Stumpf, and S.A. Green, "Satellite-based chlorophyll and turbidity estimates using SeaWiFS imagery of the Great Lakes."

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