Eric A. Seagren, Ph.D.
Courses Taught
University of Maryland
ENCE 215, Applied Engineering Science (co-taught)
ENCE 310/315, Introduction to Environmental Engineering
ENCE 411, Environmental Engineering Science (some semesters co-taught)
ENCE 412, Environmental Engineering Unit Operations (co-taught)
ENCE 435, Sanitary Engineering Analysis and Design
ENCE 466, Design of Civil Engineering systems (Capstone) (taught with Maryland State Highway Administration personnel)
ENCE 489T, Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering
Michigan Technological University
ENVE 3501, Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
ENVE 4506, Application of Sustainability Principles and Environmental Regulations to Engineering Practice
CE 4990, Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering
ECE 4905, Engineering Senior Design Project
University of Maryland
ENCE 637, Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering
ENCE 688S/756, Bioremediation
ENCE 688Y, Unit Operations Laboratory (co-taught)
I was a Center for Teaching Excellence/Lilly Teaching Fellow at the University of Maryland for the 1998-1999 academic year. |