View of campus from canal











































































































































































































































































































Refereed Publications

Already Published:

 Barkdoll, B.D. (2023) Saving is Losing: Pumping Cost vs. GHG Emissions in Water Distribution Systems, Journal of Energy and Power Technology, Volume 5, Issue 4, doi:10.21926/jept.2304037

Peter, K.M., Barkdoll, B.D. Precipitation trends of major world cities with implications for sustainable water infrastructure management. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 9, 171 (2023).

Pakdehi, M., Ardestani, M., Niksokhan, H, and Barkdoll, B.D. (2023) Using Analytical Hierarchy Process for Excess-Chlorine Risk Assessments in a Water Distribution Network: A Case Study, Journal of Environmental EngineeringVolume 149, Issue 12 

Barkdoll, B.D. (2023). Effect of Increasing Discharge on Municipal Storm Sewer Systems: Exploring the Connection to Total Maximum Daily Load, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Volume 150, Issue 1, 

Barkdoll, B.D. (2023). "Moving statistic method (MSM) for quantification of changes in precipitation intensity and dry periods caused by climate change and demonstration on major U.S. cities." Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 9, 94 (2023).

Jones, F. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2022) Viability of Pressure-Reducing Valves for Leak Reduction in Water Distribution Systems. November 2022, Water Conservation Science and Engineering 7(4):1-14, DOI:10.1007/s41101-022-00171-y 

Sheefa DE, Handler RM, Barkdoll BD.  (2022). "Eco-efficiency analysis of water distribution system flushing into a containment Pond." J Environ Manage. 2022 Nov 1;321:115987. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115987. Epub 2022 Aug 24. PMID: 36027734.

Ghimire, M.R., Wagle, D., Malla, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2022). “Reform of Legal and Regulatory Impediments to Foreign Investment and Cross-Border Energy Trading by Nepal and Other South Asian Nations.” Energy Law Journal, 43(1).

Truettner, C. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2022)"Feasibility of Variable-Speed Pumps in a Water Distribution System to Save Energy"  AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society.

Truettner, C. and Barkdoll B.D. (2022). " Climate-change-induced energy and water use increase in water distribution systems." Urban Water

Manzano, J. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2022). "Precipitation and Streamflow Trends in Michigan, USA." Sustainable Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s40899-022-00606-3

Sheefa, D.E. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2021). "Feasibility of An Environmentally Friendly Method of Contaminant Flushing in Water Distribution Systems Using Containment Ponds." Water Supply,

Alizadeh Fard, M., Baruah, A., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2021). "CFD modelling of stagnation reduction in drinking water storage tanks through internal piping." Urban Water journal,

Alizadeh Frad, M and Barkdoll, B.D. (2021). "Sustainable life-cycle assessment of mixing approaches in water storage tanks." Water Supply, 21(2), 553-566,

Gohar, I.M.Y., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2021). "Experimental Study on Particle Pick-Up Rate of Vertical Vortices." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147(4),

Tavakoli, H. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2020) "Blended Lifecycle Integrated Social System Method", International Journal of Environmental Research, 14 (6), DOI:10.1007/s41742-020-00284-z

Kraft, L. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2020) "Effect of reservoir elevation on energy consumption in water distribution systems", Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2020.1758165 

Javid, A., Roudbari, A., Yousefi, N., Alizadeh Fard, M., Barkdoll, B.D., et al. Modeling of chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution using modified green-Graphene: RSM-CCD approach, optimization, isotherm, and kinetic studies. J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2020).

Tavakoli, H. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton; MI; 49931, United States); Barkdoll, B.D.Sustainability-based optimization algorithm Source: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, v 17, n 3, p 1537-1550, March 1, 2020

Azari, A., Tavakoli, H., Barkdoll, B.D., & Haddad, O.  (2020). Predictive model of algal biofuel production based on experimental data. Algal Research, 47, 101843.

Masterton, A.I. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2019). "Algorithm for Sustainable Water Source and Treatment Selection Process." Water Supply.

Pilarski, D. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2019). "Sensitivity of Contaminant Spread to Decay Rate in Water Distribution Systems with Implications for the Spread of Emerging Contaminants" Water Supply.

Neff, M. and Barkdoll, B.D., "Pipe enlargement to satisfy concentration-time product for in-sysmtem disinfection in a water distribution system", Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Delvopement (2019) 9 (4): 601-607, DOI:

Tippireddy, R. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2019). "Scour Reduction by Air Injection at a Cylindrical Bridge Pier: Experimental Determination of Optimal Configuration" J. Hydraulic Engineering 145(1).

Barkdoll, B.D., She, T., and Tyrrell, J. (2019). “Sensitivity of River Sediment Transport and Bridge Scour to Effects of Flow, Temperature, and Sea Level.” River Research and Application, DOI: 10.1002/rra.3544

Alizadah Fard, M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2017). “Stagnation reduction in drinking water storage tanks through internal piping with implications for water quality improvement.” J. Hydraulic Engineering.

Wang, M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2017). "A sensitivity analysis method for water distribution system tank siting for energy savings" Urban Water Journal, Volume 14, 2017 - Issue 7.

Alizadeh Fard, M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2018).  "Using recyclable magnetic carbon nanotube to remove micropollutants from aqueous solutions." J. Molecular Liquids, Vol. 249, Jan 2018, pp. 193-202. <>

Alizadeh Fard, M., Vosoogh A., Barkdoll, B., and Aminzadeh, B. (2017). "Using polymer coated nanoparticles for adsorption of micropollutants from water". Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 53 (2017) 189-197,

Archer, A. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2017) “Energy savings using biofuel in a developing-country water distribution system.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 18(1), DOI: 10.2166/ws.2017.221.

Bhattu, B., Barkdoll, B.D., and Breffle, W.S. (2017). “A Sustainability-Based Socio-Technical-Environmental Project Selection Algorithm.” Sustainable Water Resources Management.

Champagne, T.M., Barkdoll, B.D., and González-Castro, J.A. (2017). “Experimental Study of Scour Induced by Temporally-Oscillating Hydraulic Jump in a Stilling Basin.” J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.

Kierys, D. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2017). “Sustainability-inspired composting latrine design.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.

Champagne, T., Barlock, R., Ghimire, S., Barkdoll, B., Gonzalez-Castro, J., and Deaton, L. (2016). "Scour Reduction by Air Injection Downstream of Stilling Basins: Optimal Configuration Determination by Experimentation." J. Irrig. Drain Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001108 , 04016067.

Barlock, R., Barkdoll, B., and González-Castro, J. (2016). "Experimental Demonstration of a New Extension Plate Scour Countermeasure Downstream of Stilling Basins." J. Hydraul. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001183, 06016013.

Cano, O. and Barkdoll, B. (2016). "Multiobjective, Socioeconomic, Boundary-Emanating, Nearest Distance Algorithm for Stormwater Low-Impact BMP Selection and Placement." J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000726 , 05016013.

Champagne, T.M., Barkdoll, B.D., and González-Castro (2016). “Experimental Study of Scour Induced by Temporally-Oscillating Hydraulic Jump.” J. Hydraulic Engineering.

Pebler, P.T. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2016). “Sustainable Sanitation, Improved Use of Composting Latrines through Mixing and Moisturizing: Case Study in Paraguay.” Environment, Development, and Sustainability. 18(2), DOI 10.1007/s10668-016-9780-0.

Arnold, N.; Archer, A.; Barkdoll, B.  “Bacterial adaptation and performance of household biosand water filters in differing temperatures.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, v 16, n 3, p 794-801, June 2016.

Barkdoll, B., Kantor, C., Wesseldyke, E., and Ghimire, S. (2016). "Stormwater Low-Impact Development: A Call to Arms for Hydraulic Engineers." J. Hydraul. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001152, 02516002.

Abbott, M., O’Neill, J., and Barkdoll, B. (2014). "Adaptive Greedy-Heuristic Algorithm for Redundancy Augmentation by Loop Addition in Branched Water Distribution Systems." J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.000048 0, 06014005.

Swartz, R.A., Flatau, A.B., Brooks, C.N., Barkdoll, B.D., Na, S.M., and Endsley, K.A. (2014). "Bio-inspired Magnetostrictive Whisker Sensors for Autonomous Bridge Scour Sensing". Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014, 12p.

Abbott, M., O’Neill, J., and Barkdoll, B. (2014). "Adaptive Greedy-Heuristic Algorithm for Redundancy Augmentation by Loop Addition in Branched Water Distribution Systems." J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000480, 06014005.

Barkdoll, B., Murray, K., Sherrin, A., O’Neill, J., and Ghimire, S. (2015). "Effective-Power-Ranking Algorithm for Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Water Distribution Systems through Pipe Enhancement." J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000568, 06015001

Champagne, T., Barkdoll, B., Gonzalez-Castro, J., and Deaton, L. (2015). "Scour Reduction by Air Injection: Flow Patterns and Turbulence." J. Hydraul. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001066, 06015023.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2012) discussion of Bank-Attached Vanes for Bank Erosion Control and Restoration of River Meanders” by Bhuiyan, F., Hey, R.D., and Wormleaton, P.R. , Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 9, September 2010, pp. 583-596.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2011) discussion of “Bridge Pier Scour in Clay-Sand Mixed Sediments at Near-Threshold Velocity for Sand” by Debnath, K. and Chaudhuri, S., Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 9, September 2010, pp. 597-609.

Ghimire, S.R. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2010) “Sensitivity analysis of municipal drinking water distribution system energy use to system properties” Urban Water Journal, 1744-9006, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 217 – 232.

Anderson, M.J. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2010) “Incorporation of Air Emissions in Dredging Method Selection” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 4, July 1, 2010, pp. 191-199.

Ostfeld,A., Uber,G.J., Salomons,E., Berry,J.W., Hart,W.E., Phillips,C.A., Watson,J.-P., Dorini,G., Jonkergouw,P., Kapelan,Z., di Pierro,F., Khu,S.-T., Savic,D. ,Eliades,D., Polycarpou,M., *Ghimire,S.R., Barkdoll,B.D., Gueli,R., Huang,J.J., McBean, E.A., James,W., Krause,A., Leskovec,J., Isovitsch,S.,  Xu,J., Guestrin,C., VanBriesen,J.,  Small,M., Fischbeck,P.,  Preis,A., Propato,M., Piller,O., Trachtman,G.B., Wu,Z.Y., Walski,T. (2008) “The Battle of the Water Sensor Networks (BWSN): A Design Challenge for Engineers and Algorithms,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 134, No. 6, November/December 2008, pp. 556-568.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Duan, J.G. (2008) “Sediment Modeling: Issues and Future Directions.” Introduction, Special Issue on Sediment Transport Modeling, Eds. Barkdoll, B.D. and Duan, J.G., ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, p. 285.

Morales, Reinaldo; Ettema, Robert; Barkdoll, Brian (2008) “Large-Scale flume tests of riprap-apron performance at a bridge abutment on a floodplain”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v 134, n 6, June, 2008, p 800-809.

Duan, J., Chen, and Barkdoll, B.D. (2008). “Surface-Based Fractional Transport Predictor:  Deterministic or Stochastic,” Technical Note, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. 134(3) p. 350-353.

Korkut, R., Martinez, E.J., Morales, R., Ettema, R., and Barkdoll, B. (2007) “Geobag Performance as Scour Countermeasure for Bridge Abutments,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 133(4), p. 431-439.

Melville, B., van Ballegooy, S., Coleman, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2007) “Riprap Selection for Wingwall Abutments.” Technical Note, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. 133(11), p. 1265-1269.

Duan, J.G., Barkdoll, B.D., and French, R. (2006) “Lodging Velocity for Emergent Aquatic Plants in Open Channels,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Volume 132, Issue 10, pp. 1015-1020.

Wren, D.G.; Bennett, S.J.; Barkdoll, B.D.; Kuhnle, R.A., (2006) “Distributions of velocity, turbulence, and suspended sediment over low relief-antidunes”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, v 44, n 5, 2006, p 718-720.

 Li, H., Barkdoll, B.D., Kuhnle, R.A., and Alonso, C. (2005) “Parallel Walls as an Abutment Scour Countermeasure,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v 132, n 5, May, 2006, p 510-520.

Melville, B., van Ballegooy, S., Coleman, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2005) “Scour Countermeasures for Wingwall Abutments,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v 132, n 6, June, 2006, p 563-574.

Melville, B., van Ballegooy, S., Coleman, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2005) “Countermeasure Toe Protection at Spill-through Abutments,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v 132, n 3, March, 2006, p 235-245.

Wren, D.G., Bennett, S.J., Barkdoll, B.D., and Kuhnle, R.A. (2005) “Variability in Suspended-Sediment Concentration Over Mobile Sand Beds,” Technical Note in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 8, pp. 733-736.

Selvam, A.K., See, C.H., Barkdoll, B.D., Prasad, S., and O’Haver, J. (2005) “Use of Atomic Force Microscopy for Examining Wet Clay at the Microscale,” Clay and Clay Minerals, Clay Minerals Society, v 54, n 1, February, 2006, p 25-28.

Wren, D.G., Bennett, S.J., Barkdoll, B.D., and Kuhnle, R.A. (2005) “Distribution of Velocity, Turbulence, and Suspended Sediment Over Low-Relief Antidunes,” Journal of Hydraulic Research, International Association of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 43(1) pp. 3-11.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2004) Discussion of "Subcritical 90° Equal-Width Open-Channel Dividing Flow" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 2, February 2004, pp. 171-172.

Wilson, G.V., Dabney, S.M., McGregor, K.C., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2003) “Tillage and Residue Effects on Runoff and Erosion Dynamics,” Transactions of ASAE, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Vol. 47(1), 119-128.

Barkdoll, B.D., (2003)  Discussion of “Use of vanes for control of scour at vertical wall abutments”,  by P.A. Johnson, R.D. Hey, M. Tessier, and D.L. Rosgen, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 3, March, 2003, pp. 246-247.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2003) Book Review of Fluvial Processes by M. S. Yalin and A. M. Ferreira Da Silva, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 2, February 2003, pg. 169.

Barkdoll, B.D., (2003)  Discussion of  “Experiments on Flow at a 90o Open-Channel Junction”, by Weber, L.J., Schumate, E.D., and Mawer, N.,  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 2, Feb. 2003, pp. 167-168.

Barkdoll, B.D., (2002)  Discussion of  “Calibration assessment and data collection for water distribution networks”, by Lansey, K.E., El-Shorbagy,W., Ahmed, I.,  Araujo, J. and Haan, C.T., Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE , Vol. 128, No. 12, Dec, 2002. p.1105-1106.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2002)  Discussion of  “Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure of Open-Channel Flow Through Non-Emergent Vegetation”, by Lopez, F. and Garcia, M.H., Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 11, p.1032.

Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., Melville, B., Parchure, N., Parola, A. and Alonso, C. (2002) “Abutment Scour Countermeasures: A Review,” Proc. First International Conference on Scour of Foundations,” Texas &M University, Nov. 17-20, 2002, pp. 734-748. (Invited Refereed Lecture)

Khan, A.A. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2001)  “Two-dimensional depth-averaged models for flow simulation in river bends” International Journal of the Computational Engineering Science , Imperial College Press, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2001) 453-467.

Bennet, S.J., **Pirim, T., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2002) “Using simulated emergent vegetation to alter stream flow direction within a straight experimental channel,” Geomorphology, Elsevier Press,44 (2002) 115-126.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2000)  Discussion of “Time scale for local scour at bridge piers” by Melville,B.W. and Chiew,Y.-M., Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 126., No. 10, Oct., 2000, pp. 793-796.

Meier, R.D. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2000)  “Sampling Design for Network Model Calibration Using Genetic Algorithms,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 126, No. 4, July/August 2000, pp. 245-250.

Barkdoll, B.D. (2000) Book Review of Water Resources Engineering by David A. Chin, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 3, March 2000, pp. 226-228.

Wren, D.G., Barkdoll, B.D., Kuhnle, R. and Derrow, R. (2000)  “Field techniques for suspended sediment measurement,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 126., No. 2, Feb., 2000, pp. 97-104.

Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema. R., and Odgaard, A.J. (1999) “Sediment control at lateral diversions: limits and enhancements to vane use,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 125 No. 8 Aug. 1999, pp. 862-870.

Barkdoll, B.D. (1999).  Discussion of “Experimental Investigation of Flow Past Submerged Vanes” by Marelius and Sinha, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 125 No. 8 Aug. 1999, pp. 896-899.

Ettema, R., Melville, B.W., and Barkdoll, B.  (1998).  “Scale effect in pier-scour experiments”,  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 124, No. 6, June, 1998, pp. 639-642.

Barkdoll, B.D., Hagen, B.L., and Odgaard, A.J. (1998).  "Experimental comparisons of open-channel with duct flow in a T-junction", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 124. No.1, Jan. 98, pp. 92-95.

Barkdoll, B.D. (1997).  “Flow and sediment processes at alluvial channel diversions”, Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision, The University of Mississippi, pp. 943-948.


Conference Papers

Amiri, H. and Barkdoll, B.D., (2024), Case Study of Use of User-Friendly Algorithm for the Balanced Design of a Multiple Source Water Distribution System. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024, 900-905. 

Peterson, S. and Barkdoll, B.D. Case Study of Climate Change Effects on a Water Distribution System Design in Ha Leronti, Lesotho, Africa. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024, 886-899, 2024.

Sheefa, D.E., Barkdoll, B.D., and Handler, R.M. (2021), “Life Cycle Assessment for Water Distribution System Decontamination Procedures: Fire Hydrants and Flushing Pond.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021,

Pilarski, D.C. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2021). “Does the Decay Rate Matter in the Spread of Constituents in Water Distribution Systems?” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021,

Barkdoll, B.D., Tyrrell, J., She, Y., and Patankar, J. (2020). “Sensitivity of River Sediment Transport Changing Conditions.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020,

Sheefa, D.E. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2020). “Spread of Salt through a Looped Water Distribution System and an Alternative to Conventional System Flushing.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020,

Alizadeh Fard, M. and Barkdoll, B.  (2019). “Simple Device to Improve Mixing in Storage Tanks.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019,

Barkdoll, B. (2018). “Air Injection for Scour Reduction.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018,

Pebler, P.T. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2016). “Case Study on the Effect of Wetting and Mixing on Compost Latrine Temperatures.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016,

Champagne, T. and Barkdoll, B. (2015). “Oscillating Hydraulic Jump in a Stilling Basin.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015: pp. 1686-1695. doi: 10.1061/9780784479162.164

Barlock, R., Barkdoll, B., and González-Castro, J. (2015). “Stilling Basin Scour Topography with the Addition of an Extension Plate.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015: pp. 1696-1704. doi: 10.1061/9780784479162.165

Watkins, Jr., D., Paterson, K., and Barkdoll, B. (2013). “Educating Engineers Through International Community Engagement - What's It Worth?.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: pp. 2155-2162.doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.212

McKenzie, F., Watkins, Jr., D., and Barkdoll, B. (2013) “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Independencia, Peru.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: pp. 2213-2226. doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.218

Chen, L. and Barkdoll, B. (2013) “Optimal Location of Watershed Best Management Practices for Sediment Yield Reduction and Cost.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: pp. 3183-3195. doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.315

Barkdoll, B.D.  (2012) “Effects of Climate Change on Bridge Scour” Proceeding of ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012, pp. 2532-2537.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Huckins, C.J. (2012) “The Role of Bridge Scour in Relation to Stream Restoration” Proceeding of ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012, pp. 2546-2555.

Champagne, T.M.; Barkdoll, B.; González-Castro, J.A.; Deaton, L. (2011) “ Scour-inducing stilling basin flow patterns”, Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, p 2545-2551.

Johnson, J. P.; Ghimire, S.R.; Barkdoll, B. D. (2010) “Flow-sequential sector-specific lumped algorithm for water network calibration” Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, WDSA 2010, p 1585-1598.

Heglund, J. M. and Barkdoll, B. D. (2010) “Can climate change affect sediment transport in a watershed?” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, p 1643-1652.

Champagne, Ted M.; Barkdoll, Brian D.; González-Castro, Juan A.; Deaton, Larry, (2010) “Experiments identifying worst case scour conditions of gated weir stilling basins” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, p 1905-1914.

Habarth, Maureen L.; Barkdoll, Brian D. (2009) Hydrologic modeling and flood frequency analysis of the sonora river Watershed in Sonora, Northwest MexicoProceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, v 342, p 6365-6374.

Jin, Yongliang, Barkdoll, Brian D. (2009) "A Direct method for determining riprap size for erosion protection in rivers" Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Reserouces Congress 2009: Great Rivers, v 342, p 3437-3440.

Ghimire, Santosh R., Barkdoll, Brian D. (2009) "Impact of storage tanks on energy consumption in municipal water distribution systems" Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, V 342, P158-164

Anderson, Mark J., Barkdoll, Brian D. (2009) "Environmental aspects of dredging: What about air quality?" Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, v342, p 3300-3309.

Ballard, Meredith M., Clarke, Abigail R., Sather-Knutsen, Afton; Barkdoll, Brian D. and Mihelcic, James R. (2008) "Collaborative International Research: Technolgoy Transfer and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Systems in Rural Communities of Bolivia", Proceedings of The World Environmental & WAter Resources Congress, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu Hawaii, pp. 1-10, also presented

Ghimire, Santosh R.  and Barkdoll, Brian D. (2008) “Effect of Demand on Energy Use in Municipal Water Distribution Systems,” Proceedings of The World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawai’I, pp. 1-5, also presented.

Paterson, K., Mihelcic, J., Watkins, D., Barkdoll, B., Phillips, L. (2007) “Community-based learning: Creating international sustainable development engineers.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2007, 8p

Heglund, J.M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2007) “Current State of Knowledge in Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Behavior.” Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, Tampa FL, pp. 1-10.

Ghimire, S.R. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2007) “Incorporating Environmental Impact in Decision Making for Municipal Drinking Water Distribution Systems through Eco-Efficiency Analysis.” Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, Tampa FL, pp. 1-10.

Ghimire, S.R. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2007) “Issues in Energy Consumption by Municipal Drinking Water Distribution Systems.” Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, Tampa FL, pp. 1-10.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Ghimire, S.R. (2006) “Heuristic method for the battle of the water network sensors: Demand-based approach” 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, 2007, p 102

Barkdoll, B.D. and Ghimire, S.R. (2006) “A heuristic method for water quality sensor location in a municipal water distribution system: Mass-released based approach“  8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, 2007, p 110.

Diaz, J. and Barkdoll, B. (2006) “Comparison of Wastewater Treatment in Developed and Developing Countries.” Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska

Garcilaso, L., Gaines, W., and Barkdoll, B. (2006) “Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Existing Industrial Wastewater Treatment: How to Include the External Costs to the Environment.” Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska

Barkdoll, B. D., Melville, B. W., and Ettema, R. (2006) “A Review of Bridge Abutment Scour Countermeasures.”  Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska;

Garcilaso, L., Gaines, W., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2005). “Determining the ``True Cost of Water'' in an Automotive Manufacturing Plant.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK, 173, 68.

Thiemann, K., Yossef, M.F.M., and Barkdoll, B. (2005). “A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Groyne Height on Sediment Behavior in Rivers.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK, 173, 590.

Volkman, S., Barkdoll, B., and Bingner, R. (2005). “Quickbird Satellite Imagery for Riparian Management: Characterizing Riparian Filter Strips and Detecting Concentrated Flow in an Agricultural Watershed.”  Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK 173, 487.

Li, H., Kuhnle, R., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2005). “Spur Dikes as an Abutment Scour Countermeasure.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK, 173, 444.

Shrestha, R.C. and Barkdoll, B. (2005) “A Direct Solution to Normal Depth in Open Channels.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK 173, 405.

Li, H., Barkdoll, B., and Kuhnle, R. (2005) “Bridge Abutment Collar as a Scour Countermeasure.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK 173, 395.

Ghimire, S., Barkdoll, B., and Bergstrom, P. (2005). “Network Modeling to Demonstrate Efficacy of Improved Water Quality Monitoring.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK 173, 38.

Selvam, A. and Barkdoll, B. (2005) “Clay Permeability Changes---Flexible Wall Permeameter & Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005, Anchorage, AK 173, 302.

Selvam, A.K. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2004) “Clay Surface Imaging – Atomic Force Microscope & Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope,” Conference Proceeding Of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2004, Salt Lake City, UT

Barkdoll, B.D., Averill, L.E., Frazier, R.A., and Graham, L. (2003), “Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone - Past, Present, Future,” Conference Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 and Related Symposia, Philadelphia, PA

Koduri, S. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2003) “Evaluation of Oxygen Transfer at Stepped Cascade Aerators,” Conference Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 and Related Symposia, Philadelphia, PA

Selvam, A., See, C.H., Barkdoll, B.,  Prasad, S., and O’Haver, J. (2003) “Effect of Water Content on Clay Pore Size using an Atomic Force Microscope,” Conference Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 and Related Symposia, Philadelphia, PA

Barkdoll, B.D. and Didigam, H. (2003) “Effect of User Demand on Water Quality and Hydraulics of Distribution Systems,” Conference Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 and Related Symposia, Philadelphia, PA

Wren, D., Vadakapurapu, S., Kuhnle, R., Chambers, J., and Barkdoll, B. (2002),  “Suspended-Sediment Measurements in Laboratory Flumes using Acoustic Techniques,” Proceedings of ASCE conf. On Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods 2002, Estes Park, CO.

Wren, D.G., Vadakapurapu, S., Kuhnle, R.A., Bennett, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2001)  “Similarity of Laterally Separated Samples Over a Sediment Starved Bed”, Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 2001 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Orlando, FL; May, 2001.

Gohar, I.M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2001)  “Particle transport in vertical vortex flow”, Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 2001 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Orlando, FL; May, 2001.

Emam, A.M., McManis, K.L.,, Tittlebaum, M.E., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2001)  “Issues and Research Needs for the Wet-Cell Landfill Approach”, Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 2001 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Orlando, FL; May, 2001.

Pirim, T., Bennett, S., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2000) “Effect of Vegetation Density on Stream Velocity,” Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 2000 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Minneapolis, MN; Aug. 2000.

Wren, D.G., Bennett, S.J., Barkdoll, B.D., and Kuhnle, R.A. (2000). “The Calculation of Transverse Eddy Diffusivity Using Turbulence Data,” Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 2000 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Minneapolis, MN; Aug. 2000.

Wren, D.G., Bennett, S., Barkdoll, B.D., and Kuhnle, R.A., “Time and Length Scales in Suspended Sediment Data Acquisition”, Hydroinformatics 2000 of the International Association of Hydraulics Research, Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 2000.

Pirim, T., Bennett, S., and Barkdoll, B.D., “Data Acquisition and Management for Particle Image Velocimetry”, Hydroinformatics 2000 of the International Association of Hydraulics Research, Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 2000.

Wren, D.G., Bennet, S.J., Barkdoll, B.D., and Kuhnle, R.A. (1999).  “Distribution of Suspended Sediment Over a Flat, Mobile Sand Bed,” Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 99 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Seattle, WA, Aug. 1999.

Barkdoll, B.D., Jain, S.C., Ettema, R., and Odgaard, A.J. (1999).  “Three-dimensional Flat-bed Diversion Flow,” Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 99 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Seattle, WA, Aug. 1999.

Meier, R.W. and Barkdoll, B.D. (1999).  “System calibration sampling design by genetic algorithm,” Proceedings of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 1999, Tempe, Arizona.

Emam, A.M. and Barkdoll, B.D. (1998).  “State of the Science in Cohesive Bed Sediment Behavior”,  Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 98 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Memphis, TN, Aug. 1998, pp. 1321-1325.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Ettema, R. (1998).  “Promising New Ideas for Sedimentation Exclusion from Intakes”,  Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 98 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Memphis, TN, Aug. 1998, pp. 1535-1540.

Wren, D.G., Barkdoll, B.D., Kuhnle, R.A., and Derrow, R.W. II (1998).  “State of the Science in Suspended Sediment Measurement”,  Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering 98 Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Memphis, TN, Aug. 1998, pp. 1494-1498.

Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., and Tsou, J. (1997).  “Sediment control at riverside intakes”, Proc. International Joint Power Generation Conference, pp. 227-232.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Odgaard, A.J.  (1995).  "Economic aspects of sediment management", Sixth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi, India.

Barkdoll, B.D., Hagen, B.L., and Odgaard, A.J. (1995).  "Sediment exclusion at hydropower intakes using submerged vanes",  Waterpower '95 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp.1915-1924.

Neary, V.S., Barkdoll, B.D., and Odgaard, A.J. (1994). "Sand bar formation in side-diversion channels",  Hydraulic Engineering '94 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp.1171-1175.

Wang, Y., Barkdoll, B.D., and Odgaard, A.J. (1994).  "Flow and sediment transport at river diversions",  Hydraulic Engineering '94 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp.1060-1064.

Barkdoll, B.D. and Buchburger, S.G. (1992).  "Modeling instantaneous demands in municipal distribution system dead-ends",  Hydraulic Engineering '92 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers.

Technical Reports

Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., and Melville, B.W. (2007) "Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments from Scour." National Academies of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report NCHRP 24-18A.  

Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, (Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., and Odgaard, A.J.) (1997). "A laboratory investigation of sediment control at riverside water intakes", Electric Power Research Institute Report EPRI TR-108621.