MS Environmental Engineering
Matthew will be returning back home to San Antonio, TX to begin working at an engineering consulting company in February after gradution. Matthew says he will miss the endless opportunities to get outside and hike, ski, sled, explore, photograph, or just go see an unforgetable suset. He says he is thankful to Michigan Tech for introducing him to some amazing international people from all over - "A few of them have become lifelong friends that I look forward to perhaps visiting their home countries someday. I would like to recognize Dr. Minakata from the CEGE Department. I came into Michigan Tech not having an full engineering background, and only after two of his classes, I've learned more from him than most. I will always be indebted to him for teaching me how to prepare and present an effective PowerPoint presentation as that is something I know I will use for the rest of my career. I will only have spent a year and a half here at Michigan Tech, but I will leave with so much gratitude and thanks to all of my friends and professors here for making my journey here memorable. I had some late nights, challenging work at times, and some really cold days for this Texan, but I know that everything I've learned at Michigan Tech will help me wherever I go at times. While I may be leaving Michigan Tech and the Upper Midwest after an unforgettable five and a half years of undergraduate and graduate school, it's a time in my life I will never ever forget. I can't wait to come back as a proud Alumni! Let's Go Huskies!!! "
MS Integrated Geospatial Technolgy
After graduation, Dylan will apply his geospatial knowledge at Sanborn Map Company and explore furture career opportunities. He says he will miss the Hockey and is thankful to Michigan Tech for a wonderful education. Dylan would like to recognize Jae Sung Kim, John Bean, Jeffery Pereira Hollingsworwth, saying "Thank you all for contributing to my education. Go Tech Hockey!"
MS Civil Engineering
Lindsey is Thankful for the Michigan Tech community, which will always hold a special place in her heart.
BS Civil Engineering
Matthew will begin working as a part of the Transportation Engineering Staff at Ayres Associates in Green Bay, WI after graduation. He will miss the friends he has made and all the activities that can be done in the Keweenaw. Matthew says he is thankful for the opportunities he has been provided as part of the Michigan Tech community.
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Jenna will begin work as a Hydraulic Engineer at Tetra Tech. She will miss the small Tech community feeling, the OAP, and Ripley. Jenna says she is thankful for the encouragement, guidance, and support from all her professors throughout college. Also for the most down to earth friends she has ever had. She recongizes Dr. Audra Morse as someone who has made a difference during her time at Tech, saying "Dr. Audra Morse really encouraged me to step out of my shell and increased my confidence in real world scenarios through the WERC Competition and Built World Enterprise."
BS Environmental Engineering
Tyler will be working full-time in the environmental sector with the company WSP after graduation, wanting ot have zero debt very soon and traveling when he can. He says that he will miss all of his friends and is thankful to Michigan Tech for shaping him to be the man he is today. Tyler says "It was absolutely worth going so far away from home to be here. I had never felt so free until I arrived in 2020."
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Brecklin will be starting as an EIT at Prein & Newhof, working in a municipal engineer role. He says taht he will miss Winter Carnival and hockey games and is thankful to Michigan Tech for the real-world applications of unit processes that were experienced through various labs.
BS Civil Engineering
Willy will begin work for PEA Group after graduation. He says he will miss his friends and the Keweenaw and is thankful to Michigan Tech for providing him with opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Willy would like to recognized Mu Kappa Mu Fraternity for making a difference while he was at Tech. He says, "It is bitter sweet leaving MTU. So grateful to have attended this University."
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Richard will begin working as a staff environmental engineer at Braun Intertec in Bloomington, MN. He will miss the location and camaraderie betweeen students at Michigan Tech. Richard is thankful to Tech for giving him the opportunities to further his career, learn as my as he can about his field, and get him to where he is now. H would like to recognize Dr. Eric Seagren for being a great professor throughout his curriculum.
BS Civil Engineering
Cameron will be moving downstate to work as a waterfront and coastal engineer after graduation. He says he will miss the scenery at Michigan Tech and is thankful to Tech for allowing him to meet such amazing people. Cameron would like to recognize Will Crick, for being a great roomate.
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Brendan will return to MTU for his MBA. He says, "Even tho I had to deal with it just about everyday. I will miss the mass amounts of snow Houghton receives." Brendan is thankful to Michigan Tech for shaping him into the person he is today, saying "I feel well equipped to tackle anything life brings. Thank you to Dr. Urban for the dedication he brings to all his classes and the motivation he installed in me to challenge myself."
MS Environmental Engineering
Dominik will begin working full-time at MSA Professional Services after graduation. He will miss the snow and all of the winter sports that come with it. Dominik is thankful to Michigan Tech for teh valuable hands-on experience that will help him be the best engineer he can be in his field.
PhD Civil Engineering
"After graduation, my goal is to transition into a role where I can apply what I’ve learned and continue growing in my field. I’m looking forward to contributing to meaningful projects and developing my skills further. I will be a proud Husky! I’ll miss the breathtaking scenery of Houghton—the peaceful lakes, vibrant seasons, and serene natural beauty that always made me feel at ease. But even more, I’ll miss the sense of safety and community that Michigan Tech and Houghton provided. From the friendly faces on campus to the warmth of the local community, Michigan Tech has been more than just a university to me; it’s been a place where I truly felt at home. As I move forward, I know that this remarkable town and its spirit will always hold a special place in my heart.Michigan Tech was my first stop when I arrived in the U.S., welcoming me warmly and helping me feel at home. Here, I had the opportunity to embrace a new culture and experience a high-quality education. As an international student, I always felt supported by various departments and offices that genuinely care for their students, treating us like family. I want to extend my special thanks to the Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being. During times of excessive pressure, I reached out to their counseling service, where my counselor welcomed me warmly, listened attentively, and provided professional guidance. Their support helped me navigate through those challenging times, and I am incredibly grateful for their care and expertise. I must thank my husband, Peifeng, for his unwavering patience, love, and encouragement every step of the way. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today—he truly changed my life, and I'm proud of him. I also want to thank my family for their unconditional love, always sharing in my successes and comforting me through setbacks. To my friends, thank you for being there with care and kindness, especially during the tough times. Finally, I am grateful to the CEGE department, my advisor, committees, and my peers at Write-D, where we’ve inspired and lifted each other throughout this journey."
MS Integrated Geospatial Technology
After graduation, Asish is looking to either pursue a PhD research opportunity focused on utilizing machine learning for remote sensing applications, similar to his work at Michigan Tech, or to secure a position in a related field wihere he can apply these skills and contribute to advancements in geospatial technology. He says, "What I’ll miss most about Michigan Tech is the student friendly culture and kind people. But above all, witnessing the Northern Lights has been unforgettable—it’s truly one of my most cherished memories from my time here. Thank you Michigan Tech for accepting my application. My experience here has given me the head start I was looking for in my career and will undoubtedly support me for years to come. I am deeply grateful to my supervisor Dr. Tao for providing such an enriching research opportunity and an environment that fostered my growth and learning. "
BS Civil Engineering
Mason will be working as a traveling field engineer for Hardmann Construction - helping build deep foundations, earth retention structures, and bridges for our state of Michigan after graduation. He says "There is no doubt to me that I will miss more than anything the people that have become like family to me up here. I'm thankful for all the opportunities I didn't know existed. The plan was to get an engineering degree and focus on school. What wasn't part of the plan was joining a fraternity, working 3 different awesome internships, joining an enterprise, bartending the local brewery, or all the other involvements I ended up in. I find in reflection that all of my best stories from this place came from taking action on things that were never part of "the plan." Mason would like to recognize Dr. Kris Mattila "From the construction knowledge passed in his classes, all his old stories from the field, and all the cold-call questions I got horribly wrong, I learned a lot from Dr. Mattila. Not just about construction engineering, but about life too. Thanks for helping me get my sh*t together. Go Pack!" He also would like to recognize Dr. Tim Havens, Dr. Gordon Parker, and Tania Demonte Gonzales, saying "These individuals were tremendously helpful during my time in the SENSE Enterprise. Pushed our teams to meet a great standard and helped at every interval. Thank you, guys!", Mason adds"I'd like to shout out all the amazing companies I have worked as an intern with, including Gundlach Champion, Hardman Construction, and AMI Consulting Engineers! I'd also like to thank the SENSE Enterprise, Keweenaw Brewing Company, and the boys of Lambda Chi Alpha for all letting me experience and contribute to their organizations in awesome ways and make countless great memories with each!"
BS Civil Engineering
After graduation, Aliyah will be moving to Chicago to work at Stantec as a Renewable EIT. They will take their FE Exam and work towards gainig work experience in the Civil Engineering field. On the side, they will be working on their social venture, the Sunny Buddy and hope to evenetually author and self-publish. In the future, they will be applying to grad school programs in either business, architecture, or furthering their engineering education. Aliyah says they will "Definitely, the fall colors! But in all seriousness, I’ll miss the collaborative spirit of Michigan Tech and how willing faculty are to guide students. I’ll also miss how involved everyone is on campus—the dedication students bring to enterprise programs, clubs, and events like Winter Carnival, and the leadership opportunities that shape our experiences here. I will miss the SDC and the PE courses like yoga, aikido, and swimming that kept me active. Michigan Tech has such an engaged student community, all set in a peaceful, remote, and many times freezing location, which aids in fostering that sense of community. I'm grateful to Michigan Tech for its financial aid department, the student success center, and the center for diversity and inclusion. Without the scholarships, financial aid, research opportunities, and campus jobs, attending Tech would not have been possible for me. I’m especially thankful for the Career Fair and Study Abroad programs, which encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and explore new paths that deepened my passion for sustainability and accessibility. Several people made a meaningful impact on my journey at Michigan Tech. I’d like to recognize Alyssa Fredin and Rachael Hathcoat in the financial aid department and Karen Patterson in the success center for their support. I’d also like to recognize my research mentors, Joe Azzarello and Robert Schneider, who guided me in my work on renewable energy and sustainable solutions. And a special thanks to the McNair team and the CDI staff who encouraged me to reach for new goals in furthered education. I want to dedicate my success to my emotional support cat, Tofu, who passed away earlier this semester. He helped me through the harsh winters at Michigan Tech and many challenges I faced during my time here. I miss him every day and feel he’s still with me and my loved ones in spirit. (P.S. The cat in the picture isn’t Tofu—it’s a cat I met while studying abroad in Costa Rica.)"
BS Environmental Engineering
Lilla will begin working as a Civil Design Engineer at WBK engineering after graduation. She will miss how tight knit and comfortable the Michigan Tech community is. Lilla says "I am thankful for all of my friends who helped get me through all the challenges that come with college. I would like to thank all of the residential housing staff and resident assistants that made my time as an RA such an enjoyable experience."
MS Integrated Geospatial Technology
After graduation, Izuckukwu will start working in industry. He will miss the serenity that evelopes the Michigan Tech campus. Izuu says, "Thank you for creating an equal opportunity/level playing field for everyone"
MS Environmental Engineering Science
Wyciff will focus on beginning his career in environmental engineering after graduation. He has actively been engaging in interviews and is optimistic about securing a position that aligns with his skills. Wycliff says "One thing I will truly miss about Michigan Tech is the availability of resources the university offers to support students whenever assistance is needed. I am incredibly thankful to Michigan Tech for the exceptional faculty who went above and beyond the classroom to support my success. I would like to recognize two people who have made my experience at Michigan Tech truly exceptional. First my advisor Dr. Judith Pelinger, whose unwavering support and guidance during my challenging first semester. Her mentorship has been instrumental in my success. Second my friend Matthew Alsip, who has been a constant source of help and encouragement, patiently explaining concepts and dedicating his time to ensure I understood them."
MS Civil Engineering
Yash plans to work full-time as an Operations Engineer with Moss and Associates, contributing to innovative projects and furthering his expertise in construction management and renewable energy solutions after graduation. He says, "What I’ll miss most about Michigan Tech is the sense of community and the friendships I’ve built here. Whether it was late-night study sessions, exploring the beautiful outdoors around campus, or just sharing laughs with friends, these experiences have made my time at Tech unforgettable. The support from professors and classmates has been incredible, and I’ll always cherish the memories of being part of such a close-knit and inspiring environment. I’m incredibly thankful to Michigan Tech for providing me with a supportive environment to grow both personally and professionally. The hands-on learning experiences, guidance from professors, and opportunities to work on meaningful projects have shaped me into a confident and skilled professional. Most importantly, I’m grateful for the amazing people I’ve met here who have made this journey so memorable. I would like to recognize my advisor, Dr. Mattila, for his unwavering support and encouragement throughout my journey at Michigan Tech. His guidance has been invaluable in helping me navigate both academic and professional challenges. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Morse for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to contribute to the Summer Youth Program, which was an incredibly rewarding experience. Her belief in my abilities has had a lasting impact on my confidence and growth. My time at Michigan Tech has been nothing short of transformative. It’s been a journey of learning, growth, and incredible memories that I will carry with me forever. From the challenges that pushed me to my limits to the accomplishments that fueled my confidence, every moment has contributed to shaping the person I am today. I’m leaving with not just a degree, but also a deeper sense of purpose and lifelong connections. I’ll always be proud to call myself a Husky!"/p>
MS Civil Engineering
After graduation, Brianna plans to continue working full-time with Eagle Creek Renewable Energy as a civil engineer. She says she is thankful that Michigan Tech has a fantastic online civil engineering masters that allowed her to pursue her masters degree while working full-time as an engineer.
MS Environmental Engineering
Chloe will begin working full-time at Hubbell, Roth, & Clark after graduation. She says she will miss having the friends she made at Tech living in the same area. Chloe is thankful to Michigan Tech for giving her a unique hands-on experience in labs. She would like to recognize her parents for supporting her and cheering her on. Chloe says, "While the classes could be difficult at times, I still learned a lot and was able to have amazing experiences while living in a unique area that I would otherwise not get to visit often."
BS Civil Engineering
Sean will continue prusuing his career as MSA professional services after graduation. He says that he will miss the Michigan Tech winter. Sean says he is thankful to Tech for the friends he made and would like to recognize Dr. Kris Mattila as someone who made a difference during his time at Tech.
BS Civil Engineering
After graduation, Ethan will begin working as a Municipal Engineer. He says he will miss the student culture at Michigan Tech, adding it is very easy to make friends here.
BS Geospatial Engineering
Eli will being working after graduation. He says he will miss and is thankful for some of the professors at Michigan Tech, specifically Dr. Kris Mattila.
MS Environmental Engineering
Aneef has had a few interviews and is waiting for a response for a job after graduation. He says that he will miss the snow and quiet environment, adding it is the best place to study. Aneef is thankful to Michigan Tech for the excellent teaching and supportive staff and great career fair events.
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Liz will begin working for Spalding DeDecker. She will miss the beauty of both the people and nature at Michigan Tech. Liz says she is thankful for the opportunities that Tech has given her and wants to recognize all her professors for their support and knowledge.
BS Civil Engineering
Nathan will begin working for Wade Trim in Traverse City, MI as an entry-level civil engineer after graduation. He says that he will miss the natural beauty that surrounds the campus. Nathan says he is thankful for all the great career-growing opportunities taht MTU hosts each year and want to recognize Dr. Mattila for "Giving me a unique perspective on how construction projects work in the real world, and he taught me how to be better equipped for that as an engineer. I've met countless down-to-earth people who are easy to get along with at MTU; I'm thankful for all of the friendships that I've made there."
BS Geospatial Engineering
After graduation, Alli will obtain her license and become a Professional Engineer. She was she will miss the great friends that she has made along the way and is thankful to Michigan Tech for her education and UP experience.
BS Construction Management
Logan will work for Moyle Constrution after graduation. He says he will miss the Michigan Tech community and his thankful to Tech for helping develop his professional career.
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Nadia will get her accelerated masters degree at MTU in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) and intern at GEI in Marquette in the summer. She says she will miss being in the outdoors, living in a small town, and th strong sense of community that makes Houghton feel like home. She is thankful to Tech for giving her the most amazing education where she was able to solve real-world problems, use our environment and surrounding lakes as a classroom, and providing her constanst support so she never felt stuck or lost. Nadia adds, "Thank you to my BWE advisor Dr. Morse for always pushing me to be my best and inspiring me to be a successful woman in stem. Thank you to all of my amazing professors who are passionate about environmental engineering and have always been willing to help and expand our learning."
PhD Civil Engineering
Peifeng will do a Post-doc after graduation. He says he will miss the snowwwwww -- (Just Kiddling), maybe the lake. Peifeng is thankful to Michigan Tech for giving him the opportunity to live and learn is this beautiful town and to meet many friends. He would like to recognize his beloved wife - Miaomiao.
BS Environmental Engineering
After graduation, Brock will be working full-time for GEI Consultants. He will miss Houghton and the Keweenaw and is thankful to Tech for the valuable teaching of some of his favorite professors and for them sharing some of their most impactfl experiences.
BS Civil Engineering
Jon will begin working at a consulting firm in Marquette and work on an acceleraged master's degree online after graduation. He will miss all the friends he has made at Tech and is thankful for the faculty he has met within the CEGE Department, saying they have been incredibly helpful and easy to come to for advice when struggling.